Monday, October 26, 2015

Losing a Loved One

I am no stranger to loss. I have been widowed twice, the first time at age 32, and I have lost 2 children in the past three years. Recently I lost a best friend and although I am the oldest of seven, I have lost two sisters, a brother last year, my parents and many others. I understand death...we will all die and we came to earth to prove ourselves. The transition from life to death is like falling asleep at night and waking up the next morning in a beautiful place...and it is just a transition like passing from this life to the next life. I have read numerous books about near-death experience and so understand what a beautiful peaceful, amazing place heaven (or paradise) is from pain and trials of mortal life. I have heard many people speak to me who have passed daughter said to me, "Mom it is so beautiful here."
    My son, after he died,  said, "Mom, you don't have to worry about me anymore. I am okay. Later he said, "You would be so proud of me now." I know he is helping others.
     My first husband, after his death, said to me, "Don't worry, I am doing everything I can here to help you there."
     Often I rejoice knowing that a loved one or a friend who has passed away is now at peace. A peace that surpasseth all understanding. I love the following page...

Death-The Journey beyond life-


There are remarkable similarities between birth and death.
Elder Bruce R. McConkie (LDS Church leader) said:
"We know that this great plan of progression
called for birth which would provide a mortal
tabernacle for our eternal spirits, and for a death
which would free those spirits from the frailties,
diseases and weaknesses of mortality."
The words birth and death both describe movement.
Birth describes our movement from the spirit world to
mortality. Death describes our movement from mortality
to the spirit world. With each movement we terminate our
existence in one place and initiate our existence in another.
When God sends forth a tiny soul
To learn the ways of earth,
A mother’s love is waiting here—
We call this wonder— birth.
When God calls home a tired soul
And stills a fleeting breath,
A Father’s love is waiting there
This too is birth— not death
Author Unknown
From: The Journey Beyond Life Vol. One by Michele R. Sorenson and Dr. David R. Willmore
Still, today I am saddened and weeping at the loss of a friend and neighbor who died this morning. Seventy-four, and was ill and in a rest home, and for the last few days just sleeping. I can imagine how he is rejoicing now to meet loved ones and to be free of pain. So should I be weeping for him? Weeping for his family because I understand their loss and don't wish the grieving part for anyone?  Or am I weeping for my own mortality as I continue to advance in age and know that I will pass through this life and leave family who will grieve?  I don't want them to grieve, but the Lord has promised He will not leave us comfortless. I testify that is many times I have felt His hand on my heart and have been comforted by the Holy Ghost.
I pray for that comfort for all those who morn.
When we lose a loved one, we are gaining an angel who knows us..

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