When I had a student come into my office I would ask, "On a scale of 1 to 10, one being bad and ten being good, where are you emotionally?" If they were below a 3 I was very concerned. Next question, "Do you ever feel like you want to die?
If that answer was yes next question was "Do you ever want to hurt your self?" If that answer was yes next question was, "Do you ever think of suicide?" if that answer was yes, next question. "Do you have a plan?"
Then I talked about some of the things that cause depression, --anger you turn in on yourself, feeling , trapped, loss...loss of love, loss of self esteem..., and last feeling guilty. I'd ask if they have any of those feelings and then I would listen and we would discuss feelings..
Then I called the parent and we discussed a plan for professional help. Then I followed up and kept in touch.
Now ,I have a Ph.D in Holistic Nutrition and my concern is the body chemistry of these children. If you are a parent with a child who talks about wanting to die or suicide, find a doctor, preferably a naturopath or D.O. who understand MTHFR or high histamine. Have their blood checked and see what is wrong and do not let them prescribe anti-depressants because sometimes they will make a child worse.
Why am I so passionate about this? My son had MTHFR and committed suicide when he was 39.
Read "Dirty Genes," by Dr. Ben Lynch about MTHFR and how genes can effect mood and what you can do about it. Dr. Lynch has some good videos on You/Tube about MTHFR.
We need to stop teen suicide...really all suicide. It is always a cry for help.