Saturday, August 30, 2008


Improving lymphatic flow will help prevent muscle soreness and also strengthen the immune system. You may wish to consider a series of lymphatic massages by a therapist trained to move the lymphatic fluids and toxins out of the lymph system. This is done by stroking the hands in the direction of the lymphatic vessels without any downward movements and always toward the heart. Drink extra water after this type of massage. Speed up healing by using your own lymphatic massage with the following three methods:
 1. Pressure
 2. A massage motion
 3. A light fast stroke
If you have a lot of pain use a light fast stroke as though were brushing dust from your shoulder, finger, knee, hip or wherever pain is located. If it is your finger and it too painful to hold, us a light fast stroke, wait 15 seconds, then try massage. Repeat the light fast stroke followed by massage before the pain comes back. You can also apply pressure with your fingers by pushing on each side of where the pain is located. Repeat these self-help pain techniques every 15 minutes to keep the excess fluid and acidic lactic acid out of the tissues.
If you could get all the generators turned on in the cells of your body, would you be healthy? According to Dr. C. Samuel West, the answer is “Yes.” To do this, he recommends a basic lymphasizing program. The idea for the program came from Dr. Norman Walker.
Walker West Walk--Oxygenation
Walker had an exercise that could move the lymphatic system and help remove trapped proteins. He named it the “Walker West Walk,” and it is so simple, that anyone can do it. Children like to call it the Choo-Choo Train.
Exhale as deeply as you can, then using the “SHHH” sound, inhale as deeply as you can. Do this through your teeth. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, completely emptying your lungs by the last exhale. Repeat this process over and over again. You may alternate by doing: Inhale, inhale, inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, and exhale. Only do the first part once or twice because some of you may become dizzy or light-headed.
The second part involves swinging you arms and stepping lively along with the breathing exercise. If you can’t do that yet, just sit down and swing your arms as you inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. If you can do it, step as lively as you can while you swing your arms, but do not get tired or cause any negative stress on your body. The more you are able to do it, the better you will feel. You may need to do this gradually. Increase the number of times and the length of time you do this exercise as you feel like it. You will get more oxygen to the lungs and to the cells and your body will become more alkaline.
Dr. Stephen E. West, in his book, “The Golden Seven Plus Two,” says lack of oxygen causes most pain. As you sit on a hard chair for a while, you will come to know this is true because it blocks circulation. Deep breathing is important. Also, as you move around the blood becomes more oxygenated and it helps take the pain way. Unhealthy cells contribute to fluid retention. That is why it is important to eat alkaline foods and avoid sugar, too much salt, bad fats and high cholesterol foods. Body fluids follow the blood proteins (acid). If we put too much water on a crop, we kill the crop.
These proteins must be removed by the lymphatics and we need movement to get the lymphatics moving. Doctors use electrical stimulators to help heal fractures, knees, etc.
Remember, the lymph system pumps fluid and proteins out of the tissue spaces each time the tissues are compressed or moved in some other way.
MOVEMENT- Mini Trampolines
Jumping on a trampoline is a form of lymphasizing. As you move up and down something magical begins to happen in your body. Research reveals that the lymph system pumps fluid and protein (acid) out of the tissue spaces each time the tissues are compressed or moved in any way. If you have a bad back, you may want to sit on a mini-trampoline and gently bounce. Consult your physical therapist or physician before beginning jumping on a mini tramp.
At the bottom of a bounce the one-way check valve closes. At the top, they open and the lymph fluids are propelled through the system, just like they are when you breathe in deeply. If you just walk around without breathing deeply at the same time, it is impossible to get the benefits of lymphasizing. If you can get the body to the aerobic zone (and some of you can’t right now), you are breathing deeply and flooding the cells with oxygen which enables them to convert glucose into A.T.P. (adenosine triphosphate which helps transfer energy into the cells) and also into glycogen. The goal is to convert glucose into glycogen inside your muscle cells.
If you have a lot of toxins, start slowly and drink a lot of water after any type of exercise.
Exercise Ball If you have chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia you may not be able to jump on a mini-trampoline. Use wisdom and do not overdue. However, you may be able to sit on a large exercise ball and bounce and that will also get the lymphatics moving. Make sure that you place the exercise ball in a safe place, like up against a sofa, so it won’t move sideways or backward on you. When I had Chronic Fatigue, my balance was off and I was frequently dizzy.

1 comment:

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

You were right--the choo-choo train made me dizzy!