Thursday, March 23, 2017

Prompting from Holy Ghost Saved My Sons' Life

 When my son, Ryan was a teenager he had an accident on his bike. He was riding down a hill
when a car ran a stop light and pulled in front of him and as he pulled on the brakes of the bike the seat of the bike walloped him
on the back and he shot through the air and landed on the grass next to the curb. My husband drove to pick him up.
When he walked downstairs he was very pale. He clutched his left ribs and headed straight for his bed. ...I asked if he wanted to go to the doctor. He insisted that he just wanted to go to sleep and he pulled the cover over his head. “I don’t have any broken bones, I’m not bleeding.” He insisted.
As I walked up the stairs, I felt impressed to call the doctor. The nurse didn’t take it too seriously since he wasn’t bleeding or didn’t have any broken bones. But when I said I’d just take him to the hospital she had the doctor on the phone in a few minutes. I was surprised at the words that came out of mouth. “I think he has a ruptured spleen.”
When they took x-rays at the hospital, he did have a ruptured spleen.
If the Holy Ghost had not prompted me, Ryan would have been dead by morning.

I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost that has comforted and guided me so many times in my life. I want to testify that I know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth, that the Book of Mormon is indeed the word of God, that Joseph Smith was a prophet and we have a prophet on the earth today, and that we are ALL children of God here on a divinely appointed earthly mission.

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