Friday, September 19, 2008

Weight Loss--Alkaline Diet

“We are not overweight, we are overly acidic.”

Author of The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, Dr. Robert Young, claims we are not overweight, we are overly acidic. When the body is overly acidic, the acidity starts to damage our organs and in order to protect the organs, the body goes into preservation mode and says STORE FAT. The body shuttles excess acids into fat cells so they can’t harm vital cells, and in turn, the metabolism slows down in order to generate more fat cells to protect the body. “This makes losing weight virtually impossible,” Young says.
Fortunately there is hope. It all boils down to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The secrets of losing weight include keeping your body hydrated with alkaline water, eating whole, natural unprocessed foods, and building your diet around green vegetables, healthy fats, exercise, and preparing your self emotionally.
Of course you can eat other vegetables, but green vegetables are an excellent source of alkaline salts and help neutralize acids in the blood and tissues. When acids are neutralized, there is no reason for the body to store fat. Green vegetables produce chlorophyll which helps the blood cells deliver oxygen throughout the body and reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs. Also, they are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.
One caution about raw green vegetables, if you are on coumadin or other statin drugs that thin the blood, you need to check with your doctor before changing your diet.
The most important single measurement to your health is the pH of your blood and tissues—how acidic or alkaline it is. The body will go to great lengths to maintain a very narrow pH range of 7.365, which is mildly basic or alkaline. The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body. The entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. Chronic overacidity corrodes body tissue and will interrupt all cellular activities from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. An acid balance builds cholesterol plaques, stores fat, and leaches calcium from bones or magnesium from the heart muscles—all in an attempt to protect itself from acid damage.
Several years ago while my husband and I were on a mission in Tampa, Florida I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue (CFIDS) for the third time. My body was still carrying the additional twenty pounds I gained with my first bout with CFIDS, which lasted over four years. At the time, my doctor wanted to give me medical disability because I was so ill. I tried all kinds of weight loss programs, but could not lose the added pounds.
Sister missionaries introduced me to Young’s book, “The pH Miracle,” and the alkaline diet. When I started on the alkaline diet, I drank “greens,” ate a whole avocado everyday, and in the first month I lost ten pounds, and my health improved rapidly. Within the first week I had energy, the depression lifted, I could sleep at night, resume my activity, and started walking. Within a few months I lost another ten pounds and have kept the weight off and remained healthy.
In a controlled twelve week study, Young had 27 participants who lost an average of 50 pounds apiece. At the same time they decreased body fat and increased muscle mass. All experienced other improvements in their health including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, normal blood sugar levels, improved libido, improved muscle tone, less depression, indigestion and pain. My friend tried the diet, and within two months lost 38 pounds.
Normal body functions require an alkaline reserve as well as the correct pH in the blood and tissues. To ensure these conditions, a proper dietary ratio of 80% alkaline to 20% acid foods—four parts alkaline to one part acid—is required especially when there is yeast or fungus overgrowth in the body. The goal is to create the proper alkaline balance within your body by eating 80% alkaline foods—green vegetables—like cucumbers-avocados, kale, spinach, broccoli, any sprouts--especially broccoli sprouts, zucchini, asparagus, celery, and dark lettuce.
I like to fill warm Ezekiel sprouted tortillas full of sprouts, romaine lettuce, hummus, avocados, tomatoes, Bermuda onion and then use wax paper to roll it into a wrap. You can add pine nuts, pecans, sun dried tomatoes, or any vegetables you want.
According to Young, the first step in a weight loss program is to hydrate by drinking 1 liter of “green” alkaline water for every 30 pounds of body weight. The body uses water to neutralize and dilute excess acid and other toxins, and wash them out of the body through urine, sweat, and the bowels. Your blood is 90 percent water—you are what you drink. To make a green drink, Young recommends using 1 liter of distilled water, 2 teaspoons of baking soda (if you have high blood pressure use sodium chlorite or sodium silicate) and 1 teaspoon of green powder (which could be a green barley or blend of grasses). Distilled water is more alkaline and does not contain chlorine or other impurities. You may wanto pull up alkalizing supplements on the internet for other options.
It is important to chew your food carefully because the digestive process begins in the mouth as you chew. Chewing speeds up the metabolic process and aids enzymes to do their work. The ideal is to chew your food long enough to convert it to a liquid consistency in the mouth.
Foods to avoid on an alkaline diet because they are highly acidic are meat, sugar (use stevia as a sugar substitute), soda pop, dairy products, vinegar, white flour, and caffeine. Increase the amount of raw food you eat, cut out yeast, use brown rice instead of white rice, and eat only low-sugar fruits—lemon, limes, grapefruits, avocados, and tomatoes. Use soy, rice, or almond milks. Soak almonds overnight (this starts a sprouting process), and you can eat pine nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Do use quinoa, buckwheat, soba noodles, and millet. Find new and exciting recipes and consider including tofu, veggie crumbles, or veggie burgers.
Some of you may not be ready to give up meat or dairy entirely, but remember meat and dairy are some of the most acidic foods you can eat. Fish, particularly, salmon, chicken and turkey are less acidic than red meat, although still acidic .Try to buy organic meats whenever possible.
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, who has been called the Einstein of nutrition, in his book The China Study, writes, “We now have a deep and broad range of evidence showing that a whole foods, plant-based diet is best for cancer.” But, he doesn’t stop there; he includes heart disease, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune diseases, kidneys, bones, eyes and brains. His message is to eat meat sparingly.
Wheatgrass and barley grass are not only good for you, but they are an excellent source of protein—more than meat, poultry, fish or eggs, Young says. “Wheat grass contains more than a hundred nutrients, including every identified and trace mineral and all the B vitamins, including B12 , which is usually considered to be available only from animal sources. Barley grass has seven times more vitamin C than oranges and four times as much thiamine as whole wheat flour—thirty times as much as milk.”
Both barley and wheat grass are rich in vitamins. Grasses help balance blood sugar levels. In his book, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, Young writes, just 3 ounces of juiced wheat or barley grass in a liter of distilled water will normalize blood sugar in fifteen minutes. In addition, grasses are natural buffers of metabolic acids.
When juicing fresh barley and wheatgrass, I add distilled water, celery, spinach, and a little ginger root.


Glenn said...

I’ve been reading quite a bit on the Alkaline diet therory. Do you have any studies, or know of any .edu sources for studies on the effects of alkaline diet? or is this simply an assumed stasis change … i.e. I eat more alkaline things therefore my body becomes more alkaline. I know about the pH testing of the blood, but just because things are floating around in the blood stream for a while, doesn’t really mean anything. What I would like to see is as study which shows that “eating alkaline diets, changes the pH Level of the body’s cells.” Do you know of any of these, because I can’t find them. -- I've read that book by the way.

Anonymous said...

Our weight is an important factor for us to look after and be fit. I would like to follow weight loss program for this and this is a great program to be with friends