Saturday, July 23, 2016

Dangers of Antipsychotics

Timberrr! Psychiatry’s Evidence Base For Antipsychotics Comes Crashing to the Ground
By Robert Whitaker
When I wrote Anatomy of an Epidemic, one of my foremost hopes was that it would prompt mainstream researchers to revisit the scientific literature. Was there evidence that any class of psychiatric medications—antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants, benzodiazepines, and so forth—provided a long-term benefit? Now epidemiologists at Columbia University and City College ...of New York have reported that they have done such an investigation about antipsychotics, and their bottom-line finding can be summed up in this way: Psychiatry’s “evidence base” for long-term use of these drugs does not exist.
This is a finding, published in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, that profoundly undercuts the societal narrative that has been driving psychiatric care in our society for the past sixty years.…/timberrr-psychiatrys-evidenc

Read Nutriton and Mental Illness by Dr. Carl Pfeiffer.
Gut and Psychology Syndrome


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